Saturday, March 04, 2006

El Alcatraz

Calla Lilies...

These magnificent lilies were once used by early Romans to celebrate the Winter Solstice. The bulbs would be forced to bloom during the coldest time of the year culminating on the day with the longest night. It is told that the Romans had calla lilies that grew seven feet tall! Some would be decorated with tiny gold wires which is where the phrase "gilding the lily", comes from. Believe it or not, this tradition of celebrating the Winter Solstice with callas fell out of favor and was eventually replaced by evergreen trees decorated with lights!

"Because these plants were so profuse at the darkest time of the year, they became associated with funereal themes. When Katharine Hepburn declared, 'The Calla Lilies are in bloom again!' it was a subtle classical reference to the dying of the light." from "The Calla Lily" by James Monaco

I chose the calla lily as my first of a new series of paintings in celebration of the Loteria! Loteria is a game much like bingo that is a favorite game of Mexican children. Yes, I know I started with the number 2 but my idea for the first card didn't work out so I started with the second idea. The next painting will officially be number one even though it's the second painting. I know...confusing.


Shannon said...

so beautiful ... how many paintings do you plan for the series?

Kelley said...

I am keeping my options open! I am thinking of at least 10 and possibly more like 30. The issue is that they need to sell. If they don't go over well, then definitely fewer paintings.

Thanks for asking.