Tu rubes ut aurora et ardes ut solis flamma.
You glow red like the dawn and you burn like the sun's fire!
Tongues of Flame
I awoke in the darkness, aware of my losing.
I'm trapped and I'm chained...can't feel my way through.
Yet I thrash and I struggle and welcome the bruising.
I'm parched for you lips, for a cool breeze of blue,
But, my heart's all in flames, it's all so confusing.
I'm longing for freedom, I'm longing for you.
See, It's only my soul I know I'm abusing,
it's torn and it's shredded and all my own choosing!
I welcome the fire for the tongues of flame have enveloped me and I am not harmed. God saw all of this and She spoke just a single word, "fifteen". What does this all mean?
ya know...I truly feel that you should only be allowed to have one great talent, not two...I mean if you are a wonderful painter, you have no business being a wonderful writer as well...it's just greedy and unfair to us less talented folks...
Hi, Kelley. When in SM recently, I bought two of the prints from your bird series for my daughter, who began her veterinary career studying birds. Just got home and checked out your website and blog and discovered that the Tu Rubes Hummingbird on your blog bears a poem that differs from the story in your portfolio. I'm curious to know which story came first. K.D.S.
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