Last night, in the dark, the dogs were running down the stairs and I was trying to walk up the stairs and in a horrible collision, Barclay broke his leg. I am including a photo of Barker before the splint and will post a new photo (after he has a bath) showing the beautiful new blue splint. Later... I am totally freaked out! As most of my friends know, I am a total fragrance fanatic. Most days, you can find me sniffing women's necks to see what perfume they are wearing. I am always kind with my remarks but on the inside I am making lists and taking notes. Well, the other day I came across reference to a new blog about fragrance that is run by a guy (Marlen) . I clicked on it and of course enjoyed the witty reviews of the fragrances there and then I saw a link to his personal website. Of course he is not only a genius as you can see in his resume but very good looking. So, I wrote him and told him what I thought. I must admit that I am very proud of myself for doing that.Tonight after a birthday party out in the country, I found another of his blogs. This one is a personal blog, The Thrill of it All, and this is where the spooky part comes in. He referenced my artwork and my website and blog (all good). He mentions one of my top 5 books that I re-read every year, "The Alchemist" by Coelho and then he talks about the movie "Crash" which I have been watching since I came home from the party tonight! Makes you go "hmmmmmmmm".Sold a painting yesterday. My first since I got the gallery. Actually, I sold two this week but one is to my sister. It's funny because I have some weird connection to Tulsa. It seems that the guy that bought my painting is from Tulsa but lives here now and of course my sister lives in Tulsa. What's up with that?later
Just finished another bird painting. The gold paint (stars) doesn't scan well therefore it's hard to see. I really like the composition of this one.
Laudamus te. Benedicimus te. Adoramus te. Glorificamus te.We praise you. We bless you. We adore you. We glorify you.Just as the sun was setting the saint appeared saying, "Luna, the queen, has given me this scepter. It holds one of the blood rubies and is precious above all thing. It is a symbol of death but also of life. There are eight more rubies to be found and when they are gathered together a new order will begin."So, it shall be done!until later...
I have this new idea for a series. I have decided to paints some paintings for tourists since it seems that the majority of the paintings I see selling at Aurora are to TOURISTS! My paintings are really more what you would expect to see in the US. So, I have this idea of painting my own set of Loteria cards (except huge). My first was to be a huge blue bottle but it wasn't to be. First, the maid took the bottle or threw it away, I don't know. Next, I made some mistakes when planning the painting and forget some key elements that would make it easy to, I did a calla lily instead.
I will load a photo when I finish.
until later...
I just finished my Valentine's day painting for the year. I do have to admit that I have another idea for a Saint Valentine involving a bird but who knows if I will get around to that before the holiday. So, here is the red rose I finished this morning.until later....
Here the month is more than half over and I haven't updated the blog. I started my Thursday classes which are well under way. I also finished a new painting which I am waiting to post on my website until the rest of the series is finished (they are 5 bird paintings). I also am almost done with a Valentine's Day painting of a large red rose. I guess that is enough for now. I will go ahead and post the first of the bird series here, just a taste of things to come.
"Free us! Save us! Defend us! Oh, Trinity!"
The clouds rushed in and the lightning tore the sky. It rained huge drops like angel's tears. The Trinity appeared as was foretold in the prophecy. The Father peaked through the clouds and the Holy Ghost appeared as the chalice and Host and then the son as an Indigo Bunting with his heart on fire. The son spoke saying, "Let the rains drench you and wash you clean, for you are to be reborn. The time has come to know the winds of change." I ran home and opened all of the windows and the winds and the rain came whipping in. I feared the thunder would shatter my bones. Yes, he is right I thought, it is time.
until later....