I have been a little distracted lately. I hurt my back while varnishing a huge table and was in bed for days. Nasty business. The ornament sale is underway and everything at the gallery looks great. I am confident that it will be a huge success. I am going to include my new ad for the Atencion about the new class that starts January 5th. It is going to cover realism in watercolor and will be an ongoing class, every Thursday. I am stalled on the new Victoria painting but will finish the underpainting tomorrow so I can officially get started. Until later...

Finished another painting today. I love the symbol of the pomegranate. The definition is literally "seedy apple". To me, that is really close to what this was like...painting an apple. I found the following which is translated from Egyptian hieroglyphics:"The pomegranate speaks:My leaves are like your teethMy fruit like your breasts.I, the most beautiful fruits,Am present in all weathers, all seasonsAs the lover stays forever with the beloved,Drunk on 'shedeh' and wine." from Garden Song translated by Ezra Pound and Noel StockThe ancient Greeks associated the pomegranate with Persephone. She was abducted by Pluto and taken to the underworld. She had to spend part of the year in Hades because she had eaten 6 pomegranate seeds!In Judaism, the pomegranate is the symbol of fertility.To make pomegranate sauce, juice 8 - 10 pomegranates. Strain out the seeds and mix with about a half a cup of sugar and a couple drops of lemon juice. Cook over medium heat for about 15 or 20 minutes. It will thicken into a clear and light syrup. Keep refrigerated.This painting was started several times because the photo I used showed the fruit with a white reflected line. This happened because it was on a brilliantly white table. I changed the background color and then had to change the color of the reflected light. I probably painted it three times until I was happy with it. The center of the flower I had to make up because the photo was so bad and because the fruit was old and the stamens looked gray. I am happy with the final painting. It looks great in the gold frame as well.until later....
The Eyes of Saint Lucy. Mary was over here on Wednesday and she saw the new painting and asked if the painting was of "Los ojos de Santa Lucia". I was shocked. Of course it is. I even loved the name in Spanish so that is what it has become. I am half done with my next painting which is a pomegranate. I would have worked on the painting more today but I am taking care of my mom's dogs and they are very disruptive!The official opening is now set for December 8th. I am excited. Until next time...
I finished the painting I was working on. I had to paint the fabric about 8 times. It just looked horrible. It was breaking the painting up in funny angles. So, I wiped the paint of and then painted it again and then wiped the paint of and painted it again. After wiping the paint of several more times (and of course painting it again between removals), I finally like it. I am not sure that it makes a whole lot of sense but it is the best so far. The problem is that the fabric is hanging off of Victoria's shoulder and it should sort of follow the contour of her arm but it didn't and after all of this repainting, it still doesn't. It is pleasing though. I put a line of reflected light on the edge of the fabric simply because everything else in the painting has the same thing. I am not sure it works as well as it would if it didn't have it but then again...
The tax guy still never made it. I am really disappointed because I want to be able to sell my stuff at the gallery. There was a woman that called today and wants to buy some ornaments so that will be a sale for sure. I only have about 26 ornaments left so I better get making some more, especially if we have an ornament sale in December. I am going to include a photo of one of the ornaments that I will be selling this season. They are definitely going to fit in with the surroundings as they are sacred hearts!
I just have a couple more things to do and then I will be finished with the Saint Lucia painting. I will include notes on the process when I am finished. I think I will go ahead and write the story for the painting tonight and add it when I add the photo of the painting. I really like this painting even though it's very surreal! The model (Victoria) saw it yesterday and laughed. She really liked the eyes but thought they looked a little more green than her eyes. That's probably true.
I didn't go to the gallery today because I am waiting for the tax people to show up to verify my address and to ask me some questions. I can tell this is going to drive me crazy. If I am here at home, no one can see my paintings at the gallery! If they can't see them then they can't buy one. However, I can't sell one yet because I need my new tax number! Vicious cycle!
Until later....
Today was an interesting day. Met with the accountant because I can't sell anything until I am signed up to pay taxes. Took care of some stuff with Jonathon about the print business and found out he was sick. Then, worked on my St. Lucy painting. I need to write my little synopsis about the painting before I finish it. I am also including another picture of a shrine. This one is for the Beetle, George Harrison. You can't see his photo because of the glare but I really liked this altar.
Today, I worked on the St. Lucy painting. I had almost finished the eyes when they started taking out the old sidewalk in front of the studio doors. The noise was so bad I had to leave. I want to include another photo from the Day of the Dead party last week. This photo is from the altar created to celebrate the life of a famous Mexican Wrestler. I don't know his name but will look it up. Until Later.
I opened my new gallery on Friday in conjuntion with the "Day of the Dead" celebration and had a blast. The name of the gallery is now officially The Vandiver Gallery. It's official because it's now printed on my business card. There were probably about 50 people that came in to see the artwork. I also passed out Halloween candy so there were lots of kids as well.My uncle Steve and his friend Vicki left on Friday morning so I ran around like crazy getting ready. I bought flowers and hung all of the art. I even oiled the new table that uncle Steve donated to the gallery...which looks beautiful I might add. Now, I am finally getting back to work.Today, I started working on the St. Lucy paintings. Actually, I painted the background yesterday but that almost doesn't count since it kind of a solid background. I did make the center of the background lighter so it would look like the subject matter is glowing. I am going to include a couple of photos of my first show at The Vandiver Gallery. Enjoy!
I finished the drawing for the St. Lucy painting. It's very strange and I am still thinking that the eyes aren't level. That's kind of important because they are the focus of the whole painting. I worked a little on the other drawing of the birds but didn't get far. I can't decide what other bird to put into the spot where I removed the bird that wasn't working. I have so many photos of hummingbirds and yet I can't seem to find one that will work.
I did finish my business card today and hope that I can get it printed by next Friday for the party at Aurora.
More later...
OK...This is my first listing and I am excited about it. I am looking for a place to talk about art. All general questions will be welcomed. I am also looking for a place to store all of the things I have done during the day.
Today, October 27th, I worked on two drawings. One large painting with 6 birds in it and a small painting of St. Lucy. I am not done with either of the drawings which means I have nothing to start tomorrow.
I am also looking forward to having an opening at the new gallery which will be November 4th and will be in celebration of "The Day of the Dead", here in San Miguel de Allende. I picked up the sign which will point to the gallery and need to paint it which I plan on doing this weekend.
More later...